In John 14:15, Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep my commandments." At first glance this seems presumptive and demanding. In a sin-filled world, this statement can trigger anger. But Jesus says this for our blessing. It is for us. (As everything He said and did was.) If they truly loved Him, they would obey Him and their obedience would produce three things.
First, if they love Him and so keep His commandments, Jesus will pray that the Father will give them a helper to be with them forever - the Spirit of truth. He has been WITH them, but will be IN them. The very Spirit of Jesus, that loving, pulsing ocean of grace and truth, giving them the very thoughts and power that belong to Jesus alone - this will be IN them (14:17). Heartening indeed.
Second, if they love Him and so keep His commandments, they will be loved by the Father and the Son AND the Son will manifest Himself to them (14:21). This is extremely insightful for us today. We all want to know Jesus better. We sing various songs telling God that we want to know Him more. John 14 tells us how to do this. He is telling us that if we obey Him in the things He has already shown us, then He will show us more of Himself. Obedience becomes the avenue for "more Jesus" in our lives. Conversely, not obeying His commandments, can leave us idle in the Christian life. How do I grow in Jesus? Obey Him.
Third, if anyone loves Him and so keeps His commandments, something even more spectacular will happen. The Father and the Son will come to him and make Their home with him (14:23). This is the ultimate goal of life itself - the primal aim of all humanity - the call upon the deepest fundamentals of the human heart - to be at home with God. This is more than God ruling or reigning in your life. This is the final reality of you in God's home. At the culmination of creation, Revelation 21:3 reads, "the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people." The future reality is ours to taste . . . now. Love prompted obedience truly brings us home.