The judgments coming to the earth are, in part, for man's good. At first reading it may appear that God is merely an angry being lashing out at people who just didn't know any better. However, this is not the case. God has been reaching out to a sinful world that has rejected Him from the very beginning. He absolutely does not want anyone to perish and has revealed Himself to every person on the planet in some way. Romans 1 tells us that every person has received some level of awareness of God - whether in their thoughts or through the visible world around them. These are two great witnesses to all human beings - their conscience and the creation.
In our study, we find that even during the Tribulation God is hoping for repentance. God is hoping that people will turn to Him. However, by the end of it, many will not. The evidence forced upon their conscience and the judgments on creation will be so obvious that those who do not repent will have no excuse. They will be judged forever based on their own lives instead of receiving the gracious offer of forgiveness that God has provided for them. It will be too late to avoid the consequences. Time's up. Their fists will bruise their chests.