Thursday, February 18, 2010

Come Again?

Midway through Deuteronomy now.

Many noteworthy things since the last post.
In Deut 18, we read of another prophet who will be raised up. I remember God showing His violent power on Mt Sinai but even more terrible must have been His Voice. It was a type of Voice that, when heard, the people would say, "let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God." Further, it was a type of fire that, when seen, the people would say, "let me not see this great fire anymore." Why? They felt as if they would die. It was the presence of a being so accosting, that death pounded in their ears and in their hearts. "I will die".

God agreed. Verse 18:17 conveys the Lord's estimation of such a conclusion. "They have spoken well."

But, as is so like our Father, there is more to the story. God tells them of someone else. Someone else would be heard and seen. What? You mean to say that there will be another word from this horrific God? Yes.

There will be another one, one from among them, who will speak. God said, "I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him."

Yes, God was saying that someone was coming who would speak His words. Yes, God would come again. He would have a voice. But, no longer would God condone "let me not hear," "let me not see." No, they would have no option to refuse this voice. What would it be like? What kind of words would come out of this one? What would they see this time? The absolute most appropriate, receivable and personable Being, who would use their language, their form and their tones to share the reality of God and His message.

No one ever saw such Grace. And no one ever saw such Truth.
How could anyone not listen to such words?