Saturday, January 23, 2010

Reading The Fine Print

Already well into Exodus -

Ex 28-30

Such amazing detail. All of God's focus is on this little band of people in a desert with one man on a mountain talking about some clothing. So delicate and so precise. So intricate and so much. I am lulled into thinking that maybe there really was nothing else going on in the world at that time.

I suppose that there are two options as I read these passages in God's instruction manual for His people. 1) Read the directions and feel the rebellion in me say, "I will just run into the Holy of Holies" disregarding all of these things. I will do what I want. Brush it all off. I mean, come on, what is with so much tedium?! OR - 2) I temper myself and realize who is talking. Then, I spend the rest of my days being careful to obey every word. The first way, the do it my way, leads to death. The second way, the do it His way, life.

When the priest goes before God, the garments indicate that he is representing tribes / people. The descriptions are so elaborate and beautiful. Ruby, onyx, gold, sapphire, topaz, sparkling jewels for sure. 28:2 says, "You shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and beauty." Further I read of an engraved plate to be worn on Aaron's turban. It reads "Holy to the Lord." So much attention given to these things to one man out on a desert mountain.

I see that the priest represents the people to God. I see in this some of what it means that Christ is my High Priest. Am I really that Beautiful? Am I really that Holy? Am I really full of Glory? Lord, do you really represent me this way? Is that who I am to You?

Oh, man! Thank you Lord Jesus that you bring me to the Father in perfection.

(How glad I am that God spoke at length about clothing.)