Wednesday, September 25, 2019

One Small Step

In the first three chapters of Ephesians, we read of the many works that God has performed on our behalf - all kinds of works.  He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing (1:3), chose us in Him that we should be holy and blameless (1:4), predestined us to be in His special family because He wanted to (1:5), redeemed us through His blood (1:7), forgiven us of our sins (1:7), made known to us His hidden plans (1:9), predestined us for an inheritance (1:11) - can you imagine what kind of inheritance comes from God?! - sealed us for His ownership (1:13), made us alive (2:1,4), raised us up (2:6), made us sit together in heaven (1:6), brought us near (2:13), gave us access to God (2:18), made us fellow citizens (2:19), building us together with other Christians for a place for God to dwell (2:22), and made us heirs (3:6).  Ephesians chapters 1-3 can simply be called "God's work".  What work has been done on our behalf!  All of these things belong forever to those who are "in Him".
Now in Chapter 4, Paul brings all of this truth to bear on each one of us individually.  Chapters 4-6 can simply be called "Our walk".  We arrive at the first verse in chapter 4 - "I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called."  The word worthy means bringing up the other beam of the scales / equivalent / same weight.  We can see it now in our mind's eye - one side of the scales holding a weight that is frankly so heavy that it is not measurable.  A bulging, overflowing mass of beauty and perfection - the very work of God Himself living, dying, resurrecting and giving all things inexhaustibly to all who would receive Him - because He loves us!  The other side . . . well . . . it is our walk.  Our response to this gift of salvation.  And, according to Paul, it is to have the same weight.  Our walk is to balance the scale.  It is to be of equal weight, power, effect, gravity, force, etc.  So it is with astonishment when we read the first word to describe our walk that is to bring up the other beam of the scale.  What is the flagship word to describe our walk?!  Lowliness.  A voluntary submission.  Essentially, humility.  And not just lowliness, but all lowliness.  All kinds of lowliness.  From this starting point - this one - Paul takes us step by step into the Christian's walk.