Jesus was sometimes found on the road. Mark recounts one event when a young man came running to him "as He was going out on the road." (Mark10:17) The young man was a running man who became a kneeling man, and according to Luke's account, he was a ruler of some sort. He had some good things going for him! His question for the Teacher was clear - "what must I do that I may inherit eternal life?" A good question. Solid. He was ready for an answer from the One who had answers.
Jesus responded with a list of commandments that were readily known by the man. Jesus answered indirectly. "You know the commandments . . ." The man responds by saying, "Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth." The word "kept" is used for the activity of a watchman. His whole adult life apparently was spent in an ongoing state of watchfulness to keep these commands.
Jesus looks at him - a fixed gaze is the word - eyes holding eyes . . . and loved him. Jesus has an increase in affectionate love for this man. He had been watching from his youth. It must have been such a tender moment for the young man. He had pleased the Teacher. He followed the rules. He had "done" right. It is the next line which provides such insight to our Teacher. "One thing you lack . . ." There was one area of life that he had fallen behind in, an area that was wanting. Jesus tells him to sell whatever he has and give to the poor . . and come, take up the cross, and follow Him. Such nearness, such triumph abruptly changed. His glow became a gloom. It was "at this word" that he went away sorrowful because he had a sizable measure of wealth. Aaack!
It was his one thing that kept him from truly following Christ. There was just one thing.